Nasrul Hassan trying to be Horatio Caine from CSI Miami, and failing. This Muslim’s pretty good at failing.
Indian-born Muslim Nasrul Hassan, who now resides in Saudi Arabia, is a world-class hypocrite. He simultaneously argues that women should cover themselves… and watches girl-on-girl porn. This Muslim’s incomprehensible idiocy doesn’t just stop there either – he’s an outspoken advocate of child marriage. Strap on your seatbelts and/or a dildo, because this one’s gonna be a wild ride.
On Facebook, Hassan found himself arguing about child marriage with various kuffar (infidels) who were bringing the heat to an extremist Islamic page. The kuffar just didn’t comprehend Hassan’s sound logic about marrying ten-year-olds, which can be summed up as “if she bleeds, she can breed.” Never mind the whole fourth grade thing, or the lack of physical and psychological maturity. Apparently once you outgrow playing mommy with Barbie dolls is when it’s time to actually be a mommy in Islam.
Of course, Hassan’s attack on the kuffar wasn’t just limited to that one subject. He wrote, “That’s why [infidels'] kids nature is like that, if they have a father in the form of a dog, what any one can except [sic], Proud to be the best creature and best among the best creature, a Muslim.” Best at marrying children and blowing people up, maybe. Also, I don’t understand why Muslims use the “your father is an [insert animal here]” insult. Apparently their belief in Allah takes away their ability to come up with creative insults.
Hassan has previously spoken out in favor of child marriage for girls as young as 8. His love of prepubescent pussy is totally fine in his religion – after all, it is his pedophile prophet’s example he’s trying to follow.
As mentioned earlier, Hassan is a connoisseur of girl-on-girl porn. On Facebook, he liked the page for the timeless cinematic classic “Lesbian Adventures: Strap-On Specialist,” which I don’t need to watch to know it’s exactly what it sounds like. Instead of campaigning for LGBT acceptance among Muslims, what does Hassan do? he calls for women to be forced to wear the traditional Islamic ninja costume. Here’s what Hassan had to say about Swaziland’s ban on allegedly “rape-provoking” miniskirts:
Of course, Hassan has no problem jerking off to sihaq (lesbian sex), which is haram (forbidden) in Islam. But Allah forbid if a woman walks around with her hair uncovered! Hassan’s friend Jawaid Khan from the above screenshot, like many other Muslims, fails to understand that walking around with your hair flowing is not an invitation.
Hassan has also criticized what he believes are Zionist conspiracies to meddle in Indian politics, and has liked numerous Islamist groups’ Facebook fan pages. He is listed as “married” – sadly, I doubt his “wife” is a day over 18.
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