Your Daily Muslim #627: Muhammad Mustafa al-Jibaly

Muhammad Mustafa al-Jibaly

Muhammad Mustafa al-Jibaly

“How terrible it would be for a person whom Allah has favored with Islam to find himself resurrected on the Day of Judgment among non-Muslims – simply because he liked to imitate them.”

Seventh-century regressive Dr. Muhammad Mustafa al-Jibaly is a noted Muslim author and former president of the al-Qur’an was-Sunnah Society of North America, a Salafi Muslim group. The pamphlets and short books al-Jibaly has written are full of unintentionally hilarious passages like, “Astronomical evidence may not be used to establish moon sighting or to verify or refute the sighting of trustworthy Muslims[,]” and make for humorous light reading, kinda like this site except infinitely more stunted.

One of al-Jibaly’s books is titled The Beard Between the Salaf & Khalaf and discusses the Islamic rules and regulations regarding beards – and all other sorts of male body hair. For some unknown reason, it has yet to catch on among the gay community in spite of totally not suggestive passages like, “Anas reported: ‘Allah’s Messenger [pigs be upon him] timed for us trimming our moustaches, clipping our nails, pulling our armpit hair, and shaving our pubic hair – that we do not delay that beyond forty nights.'” So Muhammad, pigs be upon him, liked to watch dudes shave their pubes… hmm. Says a lot.

“All the ‘ulama’ (scholars) of as-Salaf us-Salih (the Righteous early Muslims), including the Four Imams, agree that shaving the beard is haram (prohibited),” al-Jibaly wrote. “They consider shaving it an impermissible mutilation, as has been reported from Umar Bin Abdul Aziz- [At-Tarikh by Ibn Asakir]. They considered the man who shaved his beard effeminate. Many of them would not accept his testimony or allow him to lead the prayers.” Now, I’m sure many of you have heard of one ancient Islamic reasoning behind keeping a beard – so as to not incite desire in other men by appearing (allegedly) effeminate. Preventing a clean-shaven man from leading prayers due to their collective jealousy at his proper grooming habits (causing them to look homeless by comparison) is really catty and childish.

“Shaving the beard is an act of disobedience to Allah, as is expressed in the words of his messenger, Abu Hurayrah reported that the ruler of Yemen, appointed by the Persian emperor Kisra, sent two envoys to the messenger [pigs be upon him]. When they came into his presence, he noticed that they had shaved their beards and let their moustaches grow big. Hating their ugly appearance, he turned his face away and said, ‘Woe be to you, who told you to do so?'” Some men look better with facial hair, others don’t. For a religion to command some people to make themselves uglier in order to uphold a bizarre ancient standard is absurd. But Muhammad, pigs be upon him, was right about one thing – moustaches without an accompanying beard generally don’t look great. Despite his poor taste in wives (read: 6-year-old girls), perhaps Muhammad had good taste in men.

“There is no doubt that Allah’s messenger is the best example of a man, both in his appearance and actions,” al-Jibaly continued. So this modern-day scholar is saying he has complete confidence a dude from the 7th century whom he has never seen is hotter than Channing Tatum et al. Excuse me while I laugh. And don’t even get me started on Muhammad, pigs be upon him, being the best example of a man in his actions – he was a warlord and a child molester.

“[S]having the beard is an act of imitation of the disbelievers, and should be extremely abhorred,” wrote the cleric. Muslims are commanded to be kind to one another but harsh against the kuffar in the Qur’an, and this teaching is in line with that. Aren’t you impressed at how well Islam can integrate into our secular, multicultural society?

Of course, men weren’t the only ones al-Jibaly targeted with his anti-shaving rhetoric. “The messenger [pigs be upon him] has declared that the women who change what Allah has created (such as removing their facial hair, wearing wigs, filing their teeth, or tattooing their bodies) seeking by that to improve their appearance, are accursed by Allah.” I see no reason for a Muslimah to wear a wig; it’s all covered underneath that ridiculous ninja costume they wear. As for filing teeth, it can be necessary, especially after an injury or something of the sort. These blanket prohibitions do more harm than good and create an atmosphere of absurd austerity.

Now, let’s get into that facial hair part. If a woman is not allowed to remove her facial hair and a man is not allowed to remove his facial hair so he doesn’t look like a woman, then by that logic are women not supposed to look like women? Is anyone else as confused by this Islamic “logic” as I am?

That logic becomes especially confounding when looking at this next passage from al-Jibaly. “The beard presents a major distinction between men and women. Shaving it removes this distinction, and is thus a means of imitating women. Any act that involves imitation of the opposite gender makes a person liable for the curse of Allah and his messenger.” Wait, didn’t Muhammad cross-dress to allegedly receive revelations? Oh wait, yeah, Sahih Bukhari 2393 indicates Muhammad said, “…the inspiration did not come upon me when I was in a women’s garment except that of Aisha.” So did Muhammad, pigs be upon him, curse himself? Or was he just a massive hypocrite?

al-Jibaly has also written in support of strict Salafi Islam and the phenomenon he refers to as “Salafi burnout,” where people abandon the religion’s austerity. He commented, “[O]ne sister who used to wear niqab in Houston is now giving dawah on YouTube with her face and neck indecently showing.” Really? A woman showing her face is indecent? You know, your allegedly all-powerful Allah created women uncovered. If he wanted them to be covered, wouldn’t he have covered them when he created them? The niqab is a tool of oppression, nothing more.

Another topic al-Jibaly decided to express his knowledge of was the barbaric ritual new parents partake in seven days after birth. In Islam, the slaughter of aqiqah is allegedly an act of thankfulness to Allah, but it’s really just an act of unnecessary cruelty. New parents must slaughter an animal in the barbaric halal fashion (or have one slaughtered for them), then prepare and consume its meat with members of the community in a celebratory feast. Here’s where it gets weird – often, two goats are sacrificed for the birth of a male child, while only one is sacrificed for a female. This is in line with teaching that the testimony of a woman is worth half that of a man, and is further evidence that Islam does not equally value women, despite what lying Muslims and idiot apologists tell you. There is a Hadith which backs up this absurd practice, “Narrated Umm Kurz: The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Two sheep which resemble each other are to be sacrificed for a boy and one for a girl.” (Sunan Abu Dawood Book 15, No. 2830) Cows, goats, sheep, and camels are the most common aqiqah sacrifices.

That isn’t the only sexist practice al-Jibaly has written about. You know how many Muslimahs say wearing the hijab is a choice? I’ll just let al-Jibaly disprove that for you: “A girl should start hijab from the age of seven. By the age of ten it becomes an obligation on us to force her to wear hijab.” The purpose of wearing the hijab is to allegedly preserve a girl’s modesty, to keep her from tempting men with her uncovered skin. What al-Jibaly is saying is that he believes girls at the age of seven become tempting to men, and certainly do by the age of ten. Eww.

What is his proposed solution? Tell Muslim men to not be pedophiles? No, because that would be going against the example of the prophet. “And if she doesn’t wear hijab, we hit her.” Yep, that’s right – child abuse is his suggested solution. Blame the girl for not wanting to obey a bizarre rule forced on her by men who would apparently otherwise be tempted to violate her. If this savagery doesn’t outrage you, congratulations, you’re probably a Muslim.

Look out for more publications from al-Jibaly in the future – they might be even more unintentionally hilarious than his ramblings about body hair.

Your Daily Muslim #626: Marium Navid

Marium Navid

Marium Navid

When Muslims hear something they don’t like, they often try to silence that opinion, whether by beheading, legal oppression, or in today’s case, complaining. When counterjihadist Bill Maher was selected to speak at notoriously leftist UC Berkeley’s fall commencement, ASUC Senator (ugh… another one of these student-government types) Marium Navid jumped into action to defend her religion. The Muslimah started a petition on (ugh… another petition) to have Maher replaced as commencement speaker due to his counterjihad beliefs.

“It’s not an issue of freedom of speech, it’s a matter of campus climate,” Navid stated when interviewed. “The First Amendment gives him the right to speak his mind, but it doesn’t give him the right to speak at such an elevated platform as the commencement. That’s a privilege his racist and bigoted remarks don’t give him.” One, Islam is not a race. Opposition to Islam or Muslims is not racism. Two, that’s exactly the point of free speech – campus officials chose Maher as being a worthwhile choice of commencement speaker, thus he does have the right to give whatever speech he desires as he has been granted the platform to do so. To ask that the speech be taken away from him would only prove him right that Muslims cannot handle criticism.

Navid launched a campaign called “Free Speech, Not Hate Speech” as another measure to try to stop Maher from speaking. The goal of this campaign is for Muslim students and their leftist appeaser allies to contact university officials and speak out against Maher’s impending speech. The name of the campaign is horribly funny, when you think about it – trying to stifle speech is exactly the opposite of free speech. I’m unsure whether or not Navid has realized this.

Aside from her anti-Maher escapades, Navid is also an outspoken supporter of Palestine and is in favor of UC Berkeley divesting from Israel. Yes, the Israel that is a beacon of tolerance for LGBT people and religious minorities in the Middle East. Yes, the Israel that treats wounded Palestinian children in its hospitals. Navid also co-wrote this piece, criticizing the choice of a Jewish man as UCLA student regent and complaining about alleged Islamophobia on UC campuses. You know, maybe the ninja costumes and inability to drink might be a contributing factor to that. Just saying.

Despite her opinions thus far being largely disagreeable, Navid does have one redeeming stance: the opposition to drone strikes, which normally end up causing far more collateral damage than is needed to complete their mission. “The more you hit these villages, the more you kill civilians,” she said. “This is not just a Muslim issue; it’s a matter of social justice.” Ugh, she had to ruin it with that stupid liberal buzzword, “social justice.” Basically, that term has devolved to mean “progression toward statism where only left-wing views are permitted.” On Tumblr and other locales infested with leftists (likely UC Berkeley), the definition can be extended to “if you are a straight white man, your opinion is automatically invalid because you are a racist because I said so!”

Let’s hope Navid’s campaign falls on deaf ears. Maher would certainly give a great speech, and he’d probably not even say anything offensive because, come on, it’s a commencement speech. He probably wouldn’t delve into Islam unless his mortal enemy Ben Affleck were there.

Canada Attacks Follow al-Qaida, IS Instructions To A Tee

“These deadly acts appear to follow what al-Qaida has been preaching for years through articles or videos posted online, calling on recruits and volunteers to go it alone without specific orders or training.”

Source:Canada Attacks Follow al-Qaida, IS Instructions To A Tee | Defense News |

Date posted: October 24, 2014

Muslim of the Month Poll

Only two more polls until the Muslim of the Year nominees will have been finalized! Who will earn the title of Muslim of the Month for November?

Abdullah el-Faisal – Jamaican-born convert/cleric who said, “Those who want to go to jannah (Islamic heaven), it’s easy, just kill a kafir (infidel)… by killing that kafir, you have purchased your ticket to paradise.” el-Faisal also stated in a lecture, “So you go to India, and if you see a Hindu walking down the road you are allowed to kill him and take his money, is that clear?”

Martin Ahmad Couture-Rouleau – French-Canadian Muslim convert who ran down two soldiers, killing one, in an attempt to die as a “martyr” and be accepted into Islamic heaven. Rouleau claimed he carried out the attack for Allah before being shot dead by police.

Faleh Ghazi Albasman – Kuwaiti Muslim who immigrated to the UK with his 24-year-old daughter. When he saw his daughter talking on a cellphone, he stabbed her to death for ruining his “honor.”

Fazlul Haque Amini – Bangladeshi Islamic scholar/politician who said, “Banning child marriage will cause challenging the marriage of the holy prophet of Islam, [putting] the moral character of the prophet into controversy and challenge… Islam permits child marriage and it will not be tolerated if any ruler will ever try to touch this issue in the name of giving more rights to women.”

Your Daily Muslim #625: Pakeeza Shaikh

Pakeeza Shaikh

Pakeeza Shaikh

Unlike in the USA, Islam’s jihad against swimming pools is going swimmingly in Ausfailia. Pakeeza Shaikh, along with her family and numerous other Muslim families, went to the Adventure World water park in Perth. That’s when things took a turn for the dramatic when Shaikh’s traditional Islamic clothing was deemed to violate park standards.

The clothes Shaikh was wearing were street clothes, including a long, droopy top, and long pants. As is common for Muslimahs, many in the group were wearing headbags. Citing sanitation concerns seeing as Shaikh’s clothes were her street clothes, Adventure World staff told he she would not be allowed to enter the water because they would have to add more chlorine to remove the dirt transfer. Safety concerns with her long clothing were cited when she asked to go down a water slide, but was refused.

Instead of changing into something a bit less baggy, Shaikh saw a prime grievance-mongering opportunity. She filed a lawsuit against the park after complaining to the Equal Opportunity Commission, claiming she had felt humiliated by the staff because she covered herself. Since leftists see it as discrimination when Muslims are forced to follow the same rules as everyone else, Shaikh won $16,000 from the park, which has since stated it is reviewing its clothing policy… and likely upping the chlorine levels.

If you own or work at a swimming pool or other aquatic facility, protect yourself from litigation jihad: put up signs on the premises forbidding people from wearing street clothing or clothing which could be a safety hazard. Muslims cannot legitimately claim this is discrimination because the rule would apply unilaterally and would certainly end up affecting some non-Muslim patrons with poor choices of attire.

Your Daily Muslim #624: Mohammad Kazim bin Elias

Mohammad Kazim bin Elias

Mohammad Kazim bin Elias

Another day, another YDM named Mohammad… it never gets old. Malay Islamic scholar/preacher Mohammad Kazim bin Elias generated controversy recently after his condemnation of a (wait for it) dog-petting event. Islam views dogs as being nejis (ritually unclean), and Muhammad himself, pigs be upon him, called for the slaughter of canines. Apparently being cute and cuddly is haram.

The organizer of the event has been more or less forced into hiding due to death threats from Kazim’s rabid fans, including threats to stone him to death – all for organizing a harmless event where people can pet and possibly even adopt furry companions. Many of the foamers claimed the event’s organizer was trying to “destroy Islam” and the like. Kazim himself claimed it was a way to “inject pluralism and liberalism” into the Muslim ummah (spiritual community.) Because those are such bad things that the Muslim community totally isn’t in need of…

Kazim claimed the dog-petting event was a “subtle elbow movement” toward “legalizing something haram,” and also believes such events will “ultimately transform and negate the purpose of the law.” Kazim also mentioned that allowing this event could lead to a similar campaign involving petting and perhaps eating pigs. The self-imposed deprivation of bacon is quite possibly what has made over a billion Muslims worldwide go mad.

I left the foamers on Kazim’s post condemning the event, which has over 13,000 shares, a very nice comment. Now, I’m going to go look at pictures of Swedish Vallhunds because they are basically wolf corgis.

Your Daily Muslim #623: Michael Zehaf-Bibeau

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau demonstrating the peace his religion taught him

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau demonstrating the peace his religion taught him

In Canada, it would seem no soldier is safe. In the past three days, two converts to Islam have carried out jihad terror attacks against Canadian military personnel. Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, formerly known as Michael Joseph Hall, executed a soldier posted outside the National War Memorial by shooting him point-blank. The Muslim raised his arms in a display of victory and pride before rushing across the street, where he opened fire in Canada’s parliament building.

Luckily, the parliament’s sergeant-at-arms was nearby, and swiftly ended Zehaf-Bibeau’s jihad in a flurry of lead. The media, with the exception of right-leaning FOX News, has been somewhat hesitant to identify this shooting as the jihad attack it was.

A Twitter account linked to the Islamic State terror group posted an image of Zehaf-Bibeau, saying in a French caption, “a picture that will be of the Ottawa shooter.” The account has since been suspended. The fact that the Islamic State terror group would have an image of Zehaf-Bibeau and knew of his plans is fairly damning evidence that this mujahid had not only acted for his religion, he had done so after conspiring with other mujahideen. It is unknown if there are any more planned jihad attacks against Canadian military personnel. In the meantime, all Canadians should be very wary of Muslims in the wake of these attacks.

Your Daily Muslim #622: Martin Ahmad Couture-Rouleau

Another reason to oppose Islam: it turns people from eye candy into eyesores.

Before & after Islam. I bet his conversion (and subsequent cessation of grooming) did wonders for his sex life…

“Islam is the only true religion.”

You know Islam is the religion of peace when those who convert to it start killing innocent people. That’s exactly what 25-year-old French-Canadian Martin “Ahmad” Couture-Rouleau did. Couture-Rouleau spent his days growing his beard to appease the invisible sky-demon Allah, watching jihadist videos, and pretending the world would someday regress back to its 7th-century state. Of course, in order to achieve his goal of establishing the khilafah (Islamic nation), the kuffar (infidels) had to be eradicated.

Couture-Rouleau ran over two soldiers in his vehicle, one of whom died from his injuries. He phoned 911 and claimed he had carried out the terror attack for “Allah.” If that’s what pleases Allah, then Allah and all religions associated therewith have no place in a civilized society. The madness didn’t stop there. Police were nearby and drew their weapons. The knife-wielding Couture-Rouleau got out of his car and charged at the officers, who promptly sent him to his demise. Unfortunately for him, his 72 female virgins are too busy blogging about “social justice” issues on Tumblr while stuffing their faces and whining about “thin privilege.”

Couture-Rouleau’s Facebook is a typical, tragic mess of jihadist propaganda and anti-Semitism. He posted the following, all of which show evidence of an unstable, gullible mind:

“Allah has promised the hypocrite men and hypocrite women and the disbelievers the fire of Hell, wherein they will abide eternally. It is sufficient for them. And Allah has cursed them, and for them is an enduring punishment.” Yep, totally tolerant. Totally compatible with western ideals of harmonious coexistence.


Uhh, why is he condemning suicide? He totally committed suicide by cop; he had even told his friends he wanted to go to jannat al-firdaus (Islamic heaven) and be a shahid (martyr.) What a hypocrite! Also, the lack of belief in evolution despite the overwhelming evidence in favor of it goes to show the extent to which Couture-Rouleau believed in an ancient child-porn fairytale over reason.




Rouleau also posted numerous images mocking Christianity and atheism. As upcoming YDMs will show, Couture-Rouleau’s jihad attack was not the last of its kind.

Your Daily Muslim #621: Wedad Naser Lootah

Wedad Naser Lootah

Wedad Naser Lootah

This piece contains adult thematic material. Reader discretion is advised.

Full-time ninja/family counselor Wedad Naser Lootah is best known for her book, Top Secret: Sexual Guidance for Married Couples, in which she caused all sorts of controversy across the globe. The Emirati Muslimah drew harsh criticism from hardline Muslims, calling her an infidel for her discussion of sex acts in the tome. Others praised the book’s openness and discussion of widespread, albeit taboo, sexual practices. Of course, she directed the book at married couples, because no one ever has sex outside of marriage. Ever. Because that’s like the worst thing. Ever.

“I’m trying to guide people about how to satisfy each other and save society from illegal relationships – girlfriends, boyfriends,” Lootah said. “We’re talking about Islam.” Many Muslims believe it is haram (forbidden) to date before marriage, a common practice in civilized societies. Instead, Islam encourages its adherents to be thrown into arranged marriages by their families, which (as this site has shown) very frequently go south. Lootah believes those arranged to be married should meet before they are wed, but should not experience any pre-marital romance. Really? So basically she thinks that, by sticking two people together, sparks will end up flying. I hate to break it to her, but it doesn’t quite work that way.

Another subject Lootah has been very outspoken about is the alleged “danger” of anal sex, both in the context of homosexuality and heterosexuality. In her book, Lootah wrote, “many men who had anal sex with men before marriage want the same thing with their wives, because they don’t know anything else.” Or maybe they’re gay and still want the D, but the repressive, backward society they live in forbids it under penalty of jail, lashing, and/or death? Did Lootah think of and/or mention that? Nope, everything has to be within an Islamically-approved framework.

When interviewed, Lootah discussed the story of a young woman she had counselled. “One young girl got married, and for ten years her husband had anal sex with her, and surprisingly enough, she didn’t know it was forbidden,” Lootah said before getting into the prophet (pigs be upon him)’s preferred sexual positions. “One day, we had a class in religious law with a group of women. When we discussed family matters, we said women should observe the prophet’s tradition: ‘From the front and back but not in the anus.’ She began crying hysterically. She had not imagined that it was forbidden and harmful – and might bring a disease. We backed this up with examples from our daily lives. Nearly five million people in Africa have AIDS, and one of the reasons is anal sex.”

Uhh, WHAT?! Anal sex is not the main method by which HIV is spread in Africa; it is through vaginal intercourse. Anal sex can transmit HIV, but far more vaginal sex is occurring than anal, let’s be honest here. Also, her mention that anal sex might bring a disease is unnecessary fear-mongering – all sorts of sex can spread diseases. However, her attempt to make anal sex seem especially bad is the manifestation of the typical Islamic phobia of non-Islamic practices.

Lootah continues to serve as a family guidance counselor and sees numerous couples every day during the work week. Unfortunately, she still probably can’t tell when a man in an arranged marriage is a closet case.

Your Daily Muslim #620: Zunera Ishaq

No image of Zunera Ishaq was available. However, this is probably pretty close to what she looks like.

No image of Zunera Ishaq was available. However, this is probably pretty close to what she looks like.

Zunera Ishaq was brought to Canada from Pakistan by her husband in 2008. Now, she’s demanding Canada change its laws for her bizarre religious beliefs. Instead of being grateful for having been welcomed into Canada and for the opportunity to become a citizen, Ishaq put off her citizenship ceremony – because she wasn’t allowed to pretend it was Halloween and wear the traditional Islamic ninja costume, an oppressive garment she says she has worn since age 15, while taking the oath of citizenship.

All people who wish to become Canadian citizens (read: those too stupid to realize the USA is better) must take the oath of citizenship, which basically involves pledging allegiance to Canada. Oath-taking ceremonies normally involve dozens of people being in the room at once as each goes up and says a few magic words to become a filthy moose-humper. However, ninja-costume-wearing Ishaq refused to lower part of her veil so the officiant could see her lips moving during the ceremony, as is required of all taking the oath. Now, she’s filing a lawsuit against the Conservative party because the former immigration minister, a conservative, put the anti-ninja policy into effect.

Ishaq, who has joined a Facebook group in support of Isamist political party Jamaat-e-Islami, claims the ban on wearing ridiculous ninja costumes violates her right to express her religious beliefs, a right extended by Canada’s Charter. However, numerous parliamentarians disagree, citing that wearing a veil during the ceremony can be problematic since you can’t tell if a ninja’s lips are moving. “To segregate one group of Canadians or allow them to hide their faces, to hide their identity from us precisely when they are joining our community is contrary to Canada’s proud commitment to openness and to social cohesion,” wrote Jason Kenney, the minister who initially implemented the ban.

What do you think – should Ishaq be able to hide her face? Or should she be forced to briefly show it to take the oath, despite whatever religious obligations and/or self-image issues cause her to want to hide it?

Your Daily Muslim #619: Hassan Sayed

Hassan Sayed putting Qur. 4:34 into practice

Hassan Sayed putting Qur. 4:34 into practice

“Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.” -Qur. 4:34

Dearborn, Michigan. A city completely overrun by Muslims, home to anti-Christian violence and outrageous demands of sharia on American soil. The most recent Islamic atrocity to come out of Dearborn is the beating and subsequent dragging of a woman by Muslim Hassan Sayed.

A woman was driving Sayed and their two children along a busy street when she pulled over, apparently having an argument with ex-husband/baby daddy(?) Sayed. It is unknown whether or not the woman being in the driver’s seat is what triggered Sayed’s rage. She then got out of the car and tried to cross the street, but Sayed grabbed her purse, causing her to come back to the vehicle to try to protect her property and her children.

Sayed then got into the driver’s seat. He struck the woman repeatedly, and the two continued to struggle as Sayed put the car into drive with the woman still struggling in the door. Sayed then began to speed off, dragging the woman down the street with her children in the backseat.

Eventually, the woman was able to get free of the door and the violent Muslim, who was arrested shortly thereafter. He is facing charges of stealing the victim’s cell phone, child abuse and neglect and assault with a deadly weapon, the weapon being the car. In other words, he’s going to receive numerous years of prison dawah.

Your Daily Muslim #618: Atiq Ahmed

Atiq Ahmed: Internet tough guy

Atiq Ahmed: Internet tough guy

This post contains strong adult language including graphic anatomical descriptions and racist language. Reader discretion is advised.

UK Muslim Atiq Ahmed needs to close his browser window and his Qur’an. The young padawan is close to mastering the ancient Islamic art of foaming – raging uncontrollably like a rabid fiend at the kuffar. It is unknown whose apprentice Ahmed served as to learn his foaming skills, but surely this young keyboard warrior extraordinaire learned his tricks from somewhere.

Ahmed found the Facebook counterjihad page called Allah is a Pig and proceeded to launch into a flurry of spite aimed at the infidel. Note here how he claims us infidels will be turned into pigs at the hands of Allah, a claim made by several others featured on this site.


An African-American counterjihadist commented, attempting to engage the Muslim in discussion. Of course, reason does not work on those who have renounced it. How did Ahmed respond to the assault of logic? With racism. Eww.


When others engaged the rampaging Muslim, the insults went from racial to familial. Like tons of others before him, he decided it would hurt us the most if he insulted our mothers. Sorry, Ahmed, most of us have matured past 4th grade.


I have no idea why he thinks our mothers are into gay guys’ genitals…

When a counterjihadist responded to Ahmed’s last bit of anti-motherly foam with a pathetic insult about Muslims’ mothers, Ahmed struck back, insulting all infidel women:


How would you know, Ahmed? Have you been perving? Watching porn? You know that it’s haram for you to look at the awrah of a woman you aren’t related or married to…

As if insulting our mothers wasn’t enough, Ahmed went on to show how he and his religion totally fit in the secular UK. No wonder he’s so mad, his religion prohibits him from having fun!


Note how he says “we cover them” when describing Muslimahs, not “they choose to cover themselves.” The hijab is often forced upon Muslimahs, who are faced with threats of violence, even death, if they choose to dress liberally. Also, his attempt to insult our mothers by claiming they had low enough standards to be with him is a double fail – 1) no one would say yes to that, 2) extramarital sex is punishable by lashing for the unmarried and death for the married under sharia.

I hope Ahmed foams upon seeing this piece and gives me enough material for a part 2.

Your Daily Muslim #617: Akba Jihad Jordan

Akba Jihad Jordan

Akba Jihad Jordan

North Carolina Muslim Akba Jihad Jordan’s contribution to humanity is the same as that of many other Muslims – a failed attempt at mass murder. The 22-year-old wannabe mujahid and his co-conspirator Avin Marsalis Brown got in contact with people they believed were fellow mujahideen to arrange for overseas travel to join a terror group.

Did the pair have a specific group in mind? Nah, they weren’t particularly discerning; they expressed interest in joining the Islamic State (ISIS), al Qaeda, and Jabhat al-Nusra, among others, you know, any opportunity to shoot the infidel and finally lose their virginity to 72 virgins. Virgin-on-virgin sex… can you say awkward?!

Jordan and Brown also discussed potentially carrying out a jihad terror attack within the United States. They even mentioned their targets, specifically, were the kuffar. Yes, liberals, keep on believing the feel-good lie that Islam can coexist with our secular society. Rolling my eyes…

Of course, the young Muslims were talking to an undercover informant, not a fellow mujahid. Jordan was . It turns out the attack in the US Jordan hinted at may have been near – investigators found a Magic Muslim Peace Sprayer™ and ammo in his apartment. Jordan pleaded guilty to one count of one count of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. He’s also guilty of being an idiot with no respect for human life, but unfortunately you can’t incarcerate someone for that.

Your Daily Muslim #616: Rasel Siddiquee

Rasel Siddiquee

Rasel Siddiquee

Bangladeshi Muslim Rasel Siddiquee immigrated to the US in the hope of a better life… but things didn’t work out so well for him. The devout Muslim, age 27, experienced the same difficulties finding employment as the average liberal arts major, and struggled to make ends meet. His landlord, another Muslim immigrant but one who had become deeply attached to America and loved it here, would soon face Siddiquee’s wrath.

It is believed Siddiquee killed his landlord for money, seeing as a he had quite a lot of cash on him for someone who lacked permanent employment. However, the method by which Siddiquee carried out the murder was truly Islamic: beheading.

Instead of shooting his landlord or stabbing him like a normal criminal, Siddiquee had to commit murder in a uniquely Islamic fashion. His victim’s head was found barely attached to the body, having been hacked nearly off by a sword. Qur. 8:12, among others, commands Muslims to behead infidels, and there are numerous permissions in the Qur’an for Muslims to take the possessions of those defeated in battle. Siddiquee’s comments have suggested his landlord’s attitude toward his lack of income was a motive. Of course, instead of handling a slight bit of shame like a reasonable person, Siddiquee had to defend his “honor” from someone who questioned it. In Islam, the way to do that is to slay the source of the shame.

Siddiquee was apprehended when he tried to flee the country and return to his native Bangladesh via Kuwait. He never made it out of the US, and is now facing murder charges.

Your Daily Muslim #615: Kurmanbek Dyikanbayev

Kurmanbek Dyikanbayev being fat

Kurmanbek Dyikanbayev being fat

Islam and LGBT rights don’t go together, despite idealistic leftists’ insistence the two can coexist. Even Muhammad himself, pigs be upon him, called for gays to be put to death. It’s no wonder that Muslims can’t tolerate LGBT people when their “perfect” moral exemplar (read: pedophile warlord) was a raging homophobe. Kurmanbak Dyikanbayev, a member of Kyrgyzstani parliament, is continuing his prophet’s tradition in the best way a portly, aging fellow like himself can think to – by criminalizing homosexuality and those who speak favorably of it.

Dyikanbayev, despite having traveled to more progressive societies like the United States, still holds the values of the 7th century close to his heart. Thus, he and several others co-authored a bill that would criminalize the demonstration of “a positive attitude toward non-traditional sexual relations,” and impose up to a 1-year jail sentence for anyone caught supporting LGBT causes. Dyikanbayev commented in a radio interview, “The main objective of this bill – to prohibit the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations. We need to preserve the institution of the traditional family from western influences, which are trying to impose the idea of same-sex families [onto our society].”

Non-traditional? Oh, so you mean anything other than bland, vanilla sex between husband and wife? Excuse me while I laugh, considering the very small percentage of intercourse that meets those strict guidelines. Also, just because something is traditional doesn’t make it right. Just look at child marriage in Islam. I mean, sure, Dyikanbayev probably would take less issue (if any) with that than with same-sex marriage, but that’s because he’s a Muslim and thus supports the backwardness of ages past. In any civilized society, equal rights and protection under the law trump religious dogma. It’s about time the Islamic world caught up.

Your Daily Muslim #614: Khalid al-Ghamdi

Khalid al-Ghamdi suffers from resting bitch face

Khalid al-Ghamdi suffers from resting bitch face

Recently, a group of al-Houthi Shia Muslims protested against the Yemeni government. Since Shiites are viewed as kuffar (infidels) by many Sunnis, including al Qaeda militants, there is considerable backlash against them in majority-Sunni areas. The protest began peacefully but was interrupted by an al Qaeda jihadist carrying out a martyrdom operation. Even around other Muslims, it seems mujahideen cannot control their bloodlust.

47 were killed in the explosion. Shortly thereafter, Saudi sheikh and TV host Khalid al-Ghamdi took to Twitter with some rather unsightly images of the victims’ mangled corpses. “Allahu akbar. Enjoy watching,” the sheikh tweeted, accompanying his message with a grisly image.

al-Ghamdi has posted similar things in the past, including images of decapitated Iraqi soldiers with the text, “one of the most beautiful things my eyes have seen.” Many blame him for sectarian violence in the region, but he denies involvement.

Your Daily Muslim #613: Mustafa Hussein bin Beyyette

Mustafa Hussein bin Beyyette

Mustafa Hussein bin Beyyette

Missouri Muslim Mustafa Hussein bin Beyyette, born Theodore Barrett, has gotten a lot of media attention for all the wrong reasons. An activist in the city of Ferguson, bin Beyyette has been on the radio, live-broadcasting details of the racially-charged riots since the shooting death of Michael Brown. The left-leaning media has shared numerous quotes of his, such as “Since Mike Brown’s voice was taken from him, we are the voice of Mike Brown.” They even used his Islamic assumed name instead of calling him Theodore Barrett. However, they haven’t shared the ugly truth about this Muslim: he’s a child molester.

bin Beyyette molested a 12-year-old girl in 2000, and was convicted the following year. He was 24 at the time. Though certainly not as horrific of an age gap as 54-year-old Muhammad, pigs be upon him, and his 9-year-old “wife,” Aisha, this is still a grievous offense. Thankfully, he was captured before his urges could strike again. He served his time and is currently free as a registered sex offender.

Your Daily Muslim #612: Fazlul Haque Amini

Fazlul Haque Amini demonstrating the trademark Muslim finger point

Fazlul Haque Amini demonstrating the trademark Muslim finger point

You know your life amounted to nothing when your Wikipedia entry lists your most notable idea as being the implementation of sharia. In other words, Bangladeshi Islamic scholar/politician Fazlul Haque Amini (not to be confused with Fazlul Haque), didn’t give the world anything of worth before his passing in 2012. However he tried his damnedest to pull Bangladesh back into the 7th century, working against women’s rights legislation and education measures as a member of the Jamaat-e-Islami Islamist political party. Now, after his death, his legacy lives on – in the form of child marriage.

“Banning child marriage will cause challenging the marriage of the holy prophet of Islam, [putting] the moral character of the prophet [pigs be upon him] into controversy and challenge,” Amini stated. I think it’s about time people challenged the alleged moral authority of Muhammad, pigs be upon him. He was a pedophile. He married a 6-year-old and penetrated her when she had just turned 9. That doesn’t sound like a perfect moral exemplar; that sounds like a pedophile.

As longtime readers of this site likely already suspect, Amini wasn’t done putting his foot in his mouth. “Islam permits child marriage and it will not be tolerated if any ruler will ever try to touch this issue in the name of giving more rights to women.” Giving more rights to women – you mean giving women the same rights as men? I didn’t know that was a bad thing… oh wait, it is a bad thing in Muslims’ eyes seeing as they follow the ways of the 7th century. Also, note the explicit approval of child marriage on an Islamic basis from Amini, who was a learned and respected scholar of his religion. In other words, to those who try to deny that Islam permits child marriage, there is concrete evidence that it does.

Aside from the freedom to marry as they choose and at an appropriate age, Amini also claimed that women’s right to work and own their own money is un-Islamic. In other words, gender equality, one of the core principles of our secular society, is un-Islamic. Still think that “Coexist” bumper sticker on the back of your car holds true, liberals?

Amini also threatened that over 200,000 mujahideen would be willing to lay down their lives to defend marriage in the tradition of the prophet, pigs be upon him. (Read: child marriage.) Now, Bangladesh is planning to lower the marriage age to appease Islamist groups. Needless to say, that nation has a huge problem with pedophilia, no thanks to the Qur’an, and people like Amini only fuel the flames of the child molestation epidemic.

Your Daily Muslim #611: Deby Rinaldi

Deby Rinaldi

Deby Rinaldi

Indonesia is hailed by many as a paradise of moderate Islam. However, that isn’t exactly the case. Take this next soap opera-licious case, which saw sharia hudud (punishments) being meted out for a harmless consensual act.

A 24-year-old man named Anis and a 17-year-old girl named Kiki were seen making out in a forest. Instead of telling the dude to go for someone his own age and stop perving on high-schoolers, Aceh province sharia police arrested both and discovered they were both married – to other people. Underage marriage is a known phenomenon in Indonesia, especially in heavily-Islamic/sharia-ruled provinces like Aceh.

The couple was taken into custody and charged. In court, prosecutor Deby Rinaldi made the following statement about the suspects: “Both were married to other people. The people caught them kissing each other in Aceh Besar district’s forest in October. They were yet to have sexual intercourse when they were caught. Anis’s wife, who was seven-month pregnant, was away at the time. The woman, Kiki, was already married for two years.” You know, maybe, just maybe, Muslims could stop being jealous and let people make out in public. PDA is gross, but having a 15-year-old girl get married to someone she evidently doesn’t care for is infinitely worse.

Rinaldi’s perverted jealousy of Anis for being able to make out with a 17-year-old burned hot, and he tried his damnedest to make the case for full hudud to be enforced against the couple. The judge sided with the prosecution, and the couple were each publicly lashed eight times.

Your Daily Muslim #610: Ehsanullah Ehsan

Note the Magic Muslim Peace Sprayerâ„¢ in the background

Note the Magic Muslim Peace Sprayer™ in the background

“Characters like Malala [Yousafzai] should know that we [are] not deterred by propaganda of kuffar. We have prepared sharp & shiny knives for the enemy of Islam[.]“

Former Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan used to get paid for putting his foot in his mouth. After getting fired over claims of ceasefire negotiations and potentially damaging relations with the Afghan Taliban (because the Taliban can’t have peace with the Pakistani government), he has taken to Twitter and cozied up (over the internet, of course) to jihad preachers like Anjem Choudary. Before we go into his Twitter rambling, let’s take a look at his terror career:

As spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, he said the Taliban were responsible for numerous bombings against Pakistani military facilities, citing alleged cooperation between the Pakistani government and the United States as motive. He also justified numerous anti-Shiite suicide bombings, saying “the Shiite community is engaged in defiling the prophet[, pigs be upon him].” Somehow making fun of a dead pedophile is enough reason to blow up innocent people in the warped mind of a Muslim.

The most infamous attack Ehsan admitted Taliban involvement in was the shooting of schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai, who has since won a Nobel Peace Prize. Seeing an unmarried 14-year-old girl going to school angered the 7th-century regressives on many levels. They knew they had to take action. Malala was shot in the head, but miraculously survived. Ehsan made a statement about the attack: “This was a new chapter of obscenity, and we have to finish this chapter.” Obscenity? A girl going to school is obscenity, but an old man penetrating her in a forced “marriage” isn’t? Shooting her in the head isn’t? With his idiotic statement, Ehsan just proved the Taliban are a bunch of backward ingrates with no conscience or respect for human life. Then again, we’re dealing with devout Muslims here, we kinda already knew that.

In June 2013, Ehsan took responsibility for killing nine tourists and their guide. He claimed it was retaliation for an attack carried out by international forces that killed a Taliban chief: “This will tell the international community about our feelings and sentiments against the killing of our fighters.” Maybe you should stop killing innocent people, then we wouldn’t feel compelled to waste our taxpayer money to go over there and eliminate your little 7th-century boys’ club. As much as I despise and oppose the recent international involvement in the middle east, the human rights arguments in favor of it can sometimes be compelling.

Ehsan was fired a few months later. In September 2014, Ehsan had joined up with a new terror group which broke off from the Pakistani Taliban, Jamatul Ahrar. According to Ehsan, “70 to 80 percent” of former Taliban members now support Jamatul Ahrar. Ehsan claims the group’s mission is to implement sharia on a global level, starting with Pakistan. Wow. How original. (Yaaaaaawwwwwnnn!)

Now, let’s take a look at Ehsan’s Twitter. Here is some delicious idiocy from the heart of ancient times:

Murtad = an apostate of Islam. No wonder he opposes secular education - it disproves ridiculous pseudoscientific crap like Islam.

Murtad = an apostate of Islam. No wonder he opposes secular education – it disproves ridiculous pseudoscientific crap like Islam.

Hey liberals, why do you support Muslims when they hate global warming as much as the fringe right?

Hey liberals, why do you support Muslims when they hate global warming as much as the fringe right?


"Martyrdom operation" = suicide bombing

“Martyrdom operation” = suicide bombing

I don't think I need to say why this is effed up.

I don’t think I need to say why this is effed up.