Your Daily Muslim #606: Anna el-Hawli

Anna el-Hawli

Anna el-Hawli is a huge hypocrite for wearing all that makeup…

Ausfailian Muslimah Anna el-Hawli really should change her Facebook privacy settings. Right now, she’s putting an image out there that might cause her to end up on a terror watch list…


It starts off alright, but then the typical Islamic anti-Semitism emerges. Oh, and let’s not forget the overt support of jihadists. I mean, come on, the woman is living in Australia and complained when the counterjihad group Australian Defence League made her Facebook “famous” for her crazy posts? Maybe she shouldn’t make public posts like that in the first place if she doesn’t want others to engage with them!

Here’s some more anti-Semitism – el-Hawli blamed Jews for an alleged incident of Islamophobia she dealt with:


How does she know they were Jews? Did she mention the suspects’ religious attire or grooming? Nope, but she’s still more than willing to call the men “stupid Jews” without any reasoning behind her allegation. I’ve totally never seen a Muslim do that before…


Here’s el-Hawli’s Facebook cover photo. Note the Magic Muslim Peace Sprayers™:


el-Hawli also plans on wearing the niqab, or traditional Islamic ninja costume, in the near future. Apparently she decided that showing her face entailed too much immodesty. I mean, what can you do when dealing with people who have such baseless and fear-based beliefs? Like, is the almighty creator of the universe who created women without a cover really going to smite you for not being covered? Does that make ANY sense? …didn’t think so.


She also thinks it’s haram (forbidden) to make herself look attractive to prospective mates. Evolution fail.


And now, here’s the most absurd piece of it all: her thoughts on her hair. Maybe she should shave her head to prevent men from sinning.


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