Your Daily Muslim #570: Naa Dakpema Dawuni Alhassan

Another Muslim failing at fashion

Another Muslim failing at fashion

Wherever Islam goes, pseudoscience and intolerance follow. This can currently be seen in Tamale, Ghana, where regional leader Naa Dakpema Dawuni Alhassan has begun a jihad against a man who made sex tapes with over 50 women from the region.

Instead of respectfully handling his jealousy of this man’s far superior sex life, Alhassan decided it would be best to try to turn the community against him and threaten his family. Alhassan told the man’s parents they would be evicted and banished from the region if they did not surrender their son to him. What did Alhassan plan to do with the young adult? Publicly flog him to death per sharia, of course, because living and letting live is un-Islamic. “No one, not even the regional police commander, can compel me to back down on this decision,” he stated. Alhassan added 100 pre-mortem lashes to the man’s punishment, to serve as a deterrent. Luckily, the man fled to Canada before the crazed Muslim could get his hands on him.

Shortly after the videos were discovered, a bizarre rainstorm occurred. Instead of blaming natural phenomena as any rational person would, Alhassan decided the torrential downpour was the wrath of Allah because people made sex tapes for their own enjoyment. Of course, he felt it was his duty to right what he felt was a horrible situation in the eyes of Allah. However, not all the persons involved in the videos were Muslims.

As for the women who had sex with the very lucky man, they were threatened with banishment from the area unless they collectively produced two cows and four rams. Why? Alhassan planned to give the two cows to non-Muslim religious leaders as offerings of atonement for the “crimes” and to appease their respective religions. The four rams were to be given to the city’s four imams, who would then chant verses from the Qur’an to ask forgiveness for the Muslim women’s sins. Apparently donating livestock can magically absolve someone of wrongdoing… totally makes sense, right?

The rams, which were not components of any ritual, would be kept by the imams for personal uses. I’ll let you ponder what that means.

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