Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari
“The internet, as everything else, must be governed by the Islamic teachings.”
Best known for short videos on YouTube which spread like wildfire across the counterjihad community, Lebanese-born Islamic scholar/cleric Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari has done far too much to ever repair his image. The lively albeit diminutive fellow travels the world, giving lectures at mosques and Islamic conventions which provide endless fuel for the civilized world to mock his religion. The quotes in this piece mainly come from his video lectures.
Akkari said that killing someone is “worse than killing someone, or drinking alcohol, or fornication.” To any right-thinking person, this stance is cruel and absurd. However, to Akkari, it is completely rational and defensible. He attempted to justify the controversial statement, saying: “Anything that is associated with polytheism is graver in terms of the sin than anything which is lesser.” To Muslims, Christianity is a form of polytheism due to its trinitarian beliefs. However, that still doesn’t change the glaringly obvious fact that saying Merry Christmas does not harm anyone, whereas killing someone does. As for drinking and fornication being sins, Akkari really needs to lighten up and get drunk and laid. It’d do him a lot of good.
Instead of retracting the aforementioned statement, Akkari responded to his critics, mentioning it had been said in the presence of “[his] own Muslim people.” It doesn’t matter where it was said, it just matters that it was said. However, that point is completely lost on this dimwitted Muslim.
“Among the reasons a man takes a second wife is very often the brother [man] doesn’t get his rights,” Akkari said in another lecture. He then implied that it was every wife’s duty to doll herself up and sexually please her husband upon his arrival home, even if doing so meant dropping everything she had been doing. I thought the whole “women must serve their husbands” business died out in the 1950s… Islam has a lot of catching up to do.
Akkari wasn’t done proving to the world why he will forever be a virgin, reviled by women everywhere. In other lectures, he claimed that uncovered women were “naked.” He elaborated that women going out uncovered causes them to gain a sin for each man who sins by staring at them. Did he provide justification for this bizarre assertion? Nope, he just rambled at his followers about this theory of his for several minutes. Maybe men should be taught to respect women instead of forcing women to wear ridiculous ninja costumes. Of course, the expectations Islam sets of men’s behavior around women are ridiculously low, likely because Muhammad (pigs be upon him) was a pervert who couldn’t keep it in his pants.
Speaking of women tempting men, the bearded wellspring of idiocy had even more asinine comments. He said that women wearing perfume around unrelated men was “an invitation” – maybe they just smell bad and want to mask that? Or maybe they like how it smells? Again, no behavioral responsibility falls on the man, the woman is blamed for others’ actions against her as usual in Islam. Akkari’s solution to women being sexually harassed? Prohibit them from traveling without a male relative. Yes, because forcing women to stay at home is better than letting them make their own decisions. Of course, the woman is guilty of inciting temptation, and the man is simply following his instincts upon seeing a lone woman. No mention of how the man should be lowering his gaze, or treating all women with respect, a concept lost upon many Muslims thanks to Qur. 4:34 and other misogynistic verses.
“You remember that silly lousy, wicked, evil soap opera of the days called ‘Friends’?” Akkari asked his congregation. He then went off on a long tangent about how men and women cannot remain as just friends and will eventually have premarital sex – with the only cited evidence for his argument being a fictional TV show. Many of the Muslims on here fail at logic, but few do so as hard as this joke of a scholar.
Aside from absurdly sexist views, Akkari has some other thoughts that are sure to astound. He blames (wait for it) the Jews for 9/11: “On 9/11, 3,000 Jews just did not go to work, and it was not a coincidence.” He followed up that statement by saying that Muslims were “used as puppets” to take the blame for the atrocity. Did he provide any basis for his assertion? Of course not. Did his followers eat up his hypothesis without questioning him about it? Of course.
“Muhammad smelled so good, they used to make [the] most beautiful perfume with his sweat,” Akkari said. Uhh, he lived in the 7th century and prescribed camel urine as medicine. Even people who like sweaty guys would not want to smell that man. Never mind Akkari’s earlier comments against perfume or (as usual) the lack of basis for this bizarre statement.
Other things Akkari has claimed are haram (forbidden) include taking pictures, sculpting, drawing, clubbing (due to being around sin), homosexuality, playing cards (because it “doesn’t build skills for jihad”) listening to music, and watching sports (due to players’ exposed thighs.) With the rate he spews misogyny and other absurdity, I’m sure he will end up on this site again in the not-so-distant future.
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