Your Daily Muslim #576: Usama al-Qawsi

Usama al-Qawsi

Usama al-Qawsi

Aaaaaaaaaand the fatwa of the year award goes to… Egyptian cleric Usama al-Qawsi, better known as an out-of-the-closet peeping Tom! Some Muslim men really feel that “try it before you buy it” should apply to women, so al-Qawsi issued a perverse fatwa in their favor.

The fatwa authorizes men to “hide” and watch women “while they are showering.” However, a man can only do this if the woman is someone he intends to marry.” In other words, under this fatwa, a man can say he intends to marry any woman and be excused for perverted peeping Tom behavior. “If you were really honest and wanted to marry that woman, and you were able to hide and watch her in secret, see the things that she wouldn’t usually let you see before marrying her, then it is acceptable as long as your intentions are pure,” al-Qawsi stated. Coming from a follower of a religion that demands women cover themselves so as to avoid inciting temptation in men, that’s rich. al-Qawsi knows the men’s intentions aren’t pure and wants to give them an excuse for their creepy habits.

“One of the prophet’s companions did that [peeped],” al-Qawsi continued. “Some disapproved and told him: ‘How do you do that when you’re one of the prophet’s companions?’ The prophet [pigs be upon him] answered: ‘If you can see something that would make you want to marry her then go ahead and do it.’” However, the Hadith al-Qawsi draws from for this is taken out of context and makes no mention of nudity or hiding oneself to view the woman. The Hadith involves mutual eye contact, which is sorely absent in the case of a peeping Tom.

al-Qawsi’s fatwa drew ire from numerous Muslims and non-Muslims. It is unknown if women in his area have started bathing with swimsuits on as a precaution.

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