Your Daily Muslim #604: Fatima el-Arja



Many Muslims only believe stories that fit their narrative, veracity be damned. When no such story is present, they concoct one, and try to convince others of the “validity” of their absurd thoughts. Australian Muslimah Fatima el-Arja, who is of Lebanese background, appears to have fallen into this mental trap based on her recent comments. After the jihad attack perpetrated by Abdul Numan Haider (599) against two Australian police officers, el-Arja stood up for her brother in Islam on Facebook:


Note the lack of any real evidence she provides to back up her claim. The “hatred comments” (sic) are really just pissed-off Australians who are waking up to the very real threat that is militant Islam. Instead of condemning the jihad attack, el-Arja instead goes after those criticizing it.

el-Arja also fails to recognize the brazenness of mujahideen, or the fact that they seek death, as evidenced in this next screenshot. It is quite possible Haider was trying to commit suicide by cop in an attempt to attain 72 virgins in jannat al-firdaus.


The old “Aboriginals” argument again… the nation of Australia as it is known today was founded by criminals who were shipped there and managed to build a thriving nation. Their legacy deserves to remain intact. Also, by el-Arja’s logic, shouldn’t the Jews retain control of Israel? *crickets*

Here, el-Arja is engaging in taqiyya, or deception, claiming “Islam means peace”. The meaning of the word is far closer to “submission” than “peace,” and surely a devout Muslimah like el-Arja knows that. Behold unadulterated taqiyya:


el-Arja has also shared videos on Facebook opposing Australia’s tough new terror laws. Why wouldn’t a law-abiding citizen want to crack down on terrorists? It is highly unlikely the laws are anywhere near as egregious as the Patriot Act, and considering the recent surge of violence from the religion of peace, strong countermeasures are unfortunately necessary.

It makes you wonder: whose side is she really on? Whose side are Muslims really on? As more and more mujahideen come out of the woodwork, we will all be forced to ask and answer those tough questions.

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