Your Daily Muslim #625: Pakeeza Shaikh

Pakeeza Shaikh

Pakeeza Shaikh

Unlike in the USA, Islam’s jihad against swimming pools is going swimmingly in Ausfailia. Pakeeza Shaikh, along with her family and numerous other Muslim families, went to the Adventure World water park in Perth. That’s when things took a turn for the dramatic when Shaikh’s traditional Islamic clothing was deemed to violate park standards.

The clothes Shaikh was wearing were street clothes, including a long, droopy top, and long pants. As is common for Muslimahs, many in the group were wearing headbags. Citing sanitation concerns seeing as Shaikh’s clothes were her street clothes, Adventure World staff told he she would not be allowed to enter the water because they would have to add more chlorine to remove the dirt transfer. Safety concerns with her long clothing were cited when she asked to go down a water slide, but was refused.

Instead of changing into something a bit less baggy, Shaikh saw a prime grievance-mongering opportunity. She filed a lawsuit against the park after complaining to the Equal Opportunity Commission, claiming she had felt humiliated by the staff because she covered herself. Since leftists see it as discrimination when Muslims are forced to follow the same rules as everyone else, Shaikh won $16,000 from the park, which has since stated it is reviewing its clothing policy… and likely upping the chlorine levels.

If you own or work at a swimming pool or other aquatic facility, protect yourself from litigation jihad: put up signs on the premises forbidding people from wearing street clothing or clothing which could be a safety hazard. Muslims cannot legitimately claim this is discrimination because the rule would apply unilaterally and would certainly end up affecting some non-Muslim patrons with poor choices of attire.

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