Mohsin Al-Fadhli, a Kuwaiti citizen who is wanted by Kuwaiti, Saudi Arabian and American security authorities due to his involvement in several terror operations, is the de facto leader of ‘al-Qaeda’ in Syria and is a personal representative of the group’s world leader Ayman Al-Zawahri, informed sources say. They explained that Al-Fadhli, who is among the most dangerous terrorists in the world, had moved from Iran to Syria in mid of 2013. He played a prominent role in Al-Zawahri siding with Al-Nusra Front under the leadership of Abu Mohammad Al-Jaulani in the dispute with ‘The Islamic State of Iran and Levant’ (Da’esh) under the leadership of Abubakar Al-Baghdadi. The fact that the group is the official wing of al-Qaeda in Syria affirms that Al-Fadhli is Al-Zawahri’s right hand man in Syria and his confidante. Sources revealed that the Mohsin Al-Fadhli’s full name is Mohsin Fadi Ayad Al-Fadhli. In USA’s terrorist list, he is listed as ‘Mohsin Al-Fadhli’.

He was the leader of al-Qaeda in Iran between 2011 and 2012. When the Iranian authorities placed him under house arrest during his term, Ezuludeen Abdulaziz Khaleel a.k.a. Yasin Al-Surri was in-charge of al-Qaeda in Iran. Eventually, the Iranian authorities also placed Yasin Al-Surri under house arrest due to the valuable information he possessed and especially after the American authorities issued a bounty of US $ 10 million in late 2011 to anyone with information leading to Al-Surri arrest. Reportedly, after Mohsin Al- Fadhli reached Syria, the Iranian authorities released Yasin Al-Surri from house arrest and allowed him to return to his leadership position of al-Qaeda group in Iran to succeed Al-Fadhli.


Al-Fadhli lives in north of Syria, where he is in control of al-Qaeda. He entices and recruits jihadists from among the European Muslim youths, or from those who embrace Islam. After choosing the youths, he trains them on how to execute terror operations in the western countries, focusing mostly on means of public transportation such as trains and airplanes. His activities were also focused on directing the al-Qaeda elements to execute operations against four main targets, which are Assad’s military, the Free Syrian Army, the ‘Islamic Front’ and ‘Da’esh’. Sources revealed that Al- Fadhli supports ‘Al-Nusra Front’ against ‘Da’esh’, especially after the Al-Nusra leader Abu Mohammad Al-Joulani declared his loyalty to al- Qaeda group in April last year.

The decision taken by Al- Zawahri to support ‘Al-Nusra Front’ to face ‘Da’esh’ was made after Al-Fadhli provided information about what is happening in Syria. Sources stressed that such a decision indicates the confidence al- Qaeda leadership has in Al- Fadhli. It also confirms that Al- Fadhli is the de facto leader of al-Qaeda in Syria, even though it has not been officially announced over fear of exposing him. Al-Zawahri hid the identity of his personal representative in Syria when he announced, “Al-Nusra Front is the official wing of the al-Qaeda in Syria”, which suggested that its leader Al-Joulani is al-Qaeda’s functional leader in Syria. Sources also indicated the dangerous game played by Iran in Syria that is aimed to tarnish the image of the revolution and wipe it out.


They went on to explain that Iran released Yasin Al-Surri and then allowed Al-Fadhli to go to Syria to administer al- Qaeda operations. At the same time, the ‘Jerusalem Force’, which is affiliated to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards under the leadership of Qasim Sulaimani, continued to support Assad’s regime with funds, weapons and soldiers through Lebanon’s Hezbollah group and Major General Abu Fadhli Al-Abbas Al-Iraqi among others from the Shiite militias. The Iranian regime strives to achieve a set of objectives from such a double deal, out of which the most important objective is to flood Syria with extremists and terrorists to help its ally — Assad’s regime to give the impression that the latter is fighting a ‘war of terror’. Such an objective will give Assad’s regime the opportunity to continue with the war, using the excuse of the ‘terror card’ as his top agenda in any political discussion he engages with the opposition.

Regarding Hezbollah and Iraqi militias, sources revealed that sending them to Syria was aimed to provide support to the Assad’s military as well as to secure the interests and influence of Iran in Syria regardless of the destiny of Bashar Al- Assad’s regime and the human toll incurred from the war. Meanwhile, intelligence sources elaborated on some of the objectives that Iran is striving to achieve through its cooperation with al-Qaeda.

They indicated that the most important objective is to use al- Qaeda’s world terror cells to target western nations particularly the United States of America in case their nuclear facilities face any kind of military strikes from the US or Israel. They revealed that Iran believes al- Qaeda’s terror cells are the most important asset that can be used in either secret or open negotiations with the United States. Iran offered to train al-Qaeda elements on how to use bombs, and provided some financial support and safe refuge as part of an agreement that was reached in 2009, which resulted in the execution of the related agendas.


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