Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh needs to hang out with some gay dudes – he has no sense of style!
Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh, president of the Gambia, is pretty much a gay man’s worst nightmare (see part 1 and part 2.) In fact, he’s spewed so much homophobic bile he gives the late Fred Phelps a run for his money. That insane brand of religiously-driven bigotry is exactly why he’s ending up on here a third time – and you won’t believe his most recently flurry of comments.
In a televised speech, Jammeh stated: “We will fight these vermins called homosexuals or gays the same way we are fighting malaria-causing mosquitoes, if not more aggressively.” Well, you fight mosquitoes with sprays and by squishing them… so that doesn’t sound good for gay people. Also, there’s only one vermin involved here, and it isn’t a homosexual.
“We will therefore not accept any friendship, aid or any other gesture that is conditional on accepting homosexuals or LGBT as they are now baptized by the powers that promote them,” Jammeh continued. By the “powers that promote them,” he’s referring to anyone who made it past the 7th century. It’s also incredibly selfish of him to refuse to accept aid before of his personal religious vendetta against gays – the Gambia is not a wealthy nation, and its people would significantly benefit from international aid. However, it’s OK if people get diseases, as long as those evil gays are forced to stay in the closet.
Now, this is quite possibly the most bizarre and unfounded homophobic quote in the history of YDM, hence why I saved this Muslim to be featured in the 500th post on the site. “As far as I am concerned, LGBT can only stand for Leprosy, Gonorrhea, Bacteria and Tuberculosis; all of which are detrimental to human existence.”
Let’s just go over a list of influential LGBT people who have made significant contributions to society: Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander the Great, Alan Turing, Langston Hughes, Michelangelo, Oscar Wilde, Harvey Milk… the list goes on. I’d say that’s the opposite of “detrimental to human existence.” If anything can be compared to a disease or a parasite, it’s not the LGBT community; it’s Islam. It finds a willing host, then preys upon the host’s weak mind until it finds another victim to spread to, gradually infecting more and more.
In closing, I’d like to thank all my loyal readers (and the new folks too!) for their support. This site has grown beyond what I ever thought it could be, and I hope it’s making a difference. Stay tuned later today for a daily double in celebration of this major milestone!
-Hunter Hawthorne
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