Your Daily Muslim: Adam Butt (Part 3)

For someone who hates gays, he sure does a good job looking like one. Also, note the leopard print in the background.

For someone who hates gays, he sure is good at looking like one. Also, note the leopard print in the background.

UK Muslim Adam Butt is up to his usual antics: threatening violence while trying to make himself seem like a morally-righteous person. In the past, Butt has intimidated victims of Islamic violence who spoke out against Islam, called for the extermination of the English Defence League (a counterjihad group), criticized drinking, and spoken of the Islamic takeover of the UK. Sounds like a great fellow, doesn’t it? Well, maybe if you’re a Muslim. Now, our favorite asshole has returned with new messages of peace.

Recently, same-sex marriage was legalized in Britain, and Butt felt the need to comment. Of course, being a Muslim, Butt isn’t exactly a shining beacon of tolerance. If you remember from Part 1, Butt has openly mocked lesbians. I suspect this stemmed from a girl dumping him for another girl. Here’s Butt’s thoughts on gay marriage:

You know what's a joke? Islam, not the love shared between two people.

You know what’s a joke? Islam, not the love shared between two people.

Without providing any sort of logical basis for his argument, Butt still felt confident and justified enough in his opinion to share it with his thousands of Facebook followers. He forgets to realize that the UK is a secular society with secular laws and there is no solid secular argument against affording gay couples the same rights as straights.

In terms of other homophobia from Butt, have a look at this gem:

Totally not violent or homophobic at all.

Totally not violent or homophobic at all.

Other than the gays, Butt enjoys targeting the English Defence League (EDL), with his vitriolic invective. He has called for their slaughter in the past and clearly hasn’t learned his lesson from having been shamed on here twice already. When attacking the EDL, Butt demonstrates the “proud tradition of tolerance” Barack Hussein Obama claims Islam has:


That was just the beginning. Butt monitors EDL Facebook pages and watches documentaries on the group, seething with rage. This rage inspires the sort of violent foaming we see in this next image. Muslims say “don’t judge all Muslims because of a few bad apples” – but the ones claiming we shouldn’t stereotype or judge their religion are standing right behind the savages like Butt, backing them up.

Religion of peace.

Religion of peace.

OMFG it's like I can predict what every rabid Muslim's gonna say before they say it! (Angry Muslim Bingo)

OMFG it’s like I can predict what every rabid Muslim’s gonna say before they say it! (Angry Muslim Bingo)

Of course, Butt still had more to say about the EDL:

You know what makes Britain look less than great? Rabid Muslims like yourself.

You know what makes Britain look less than great? Rabid Muslims like yourself.

The threats continue to flow from Butt’s keyboard. Of course, if an EDL supporter were to threaten to put a pig’s head near a mosque, the hyper-PC UK police would have them arrested. Has Butt been arrested? Not yet, despite the fact that he routinely wishes death upon infidels, particularly the EDL:


However, there has been some progress in the right direction from UK authorities… or maybe Butt is just developing paranoid schizophrenia; I mean, he already has delusions of invisible spirits (Jinns) and an invisible psychopath named Allah in the sky:


He posted the bottom message right before the top one. Wow. And he wonders why cops are following him around…

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