Your Daily Muslim: Aden Duale

Aden Duale demonstrating the trademark Muslim finger-point

Aden Duale demonstrating the trademark Muslim finger-point

Sorry, no April Fool’s joke again this year. Instead, let’s make fun of this joke of a politician!

Kenyan MP Aden Duale is a devout Muslim, as evidenced by his defined zebibah (prayer bump from headbanging.) Duale, like many other Muslims as well as most American evangelical Christians, has his priorities messed up. Instead of trying to fix his country, he has another focus: oppressing gays.

In a recent speech, the buffoon stated: “We need to go on and address this issue [homosexuality] the way we want to address terrorism. It’s as serious as terrorism. It’s as serious as any other social evil.” Uhh, gays don’t really terrorize anyone. Muslims, on the other hand… Clearly Duale refuses to look at the faults of his own religion and is instead looking for a scapegoat for which to blame his nation’s many problems on. As for comparing homosexuality to terrorism – wow. One results in thousands of dead bodies. The other involves people having harmless sex. Of course, which one is this Muslim more vocal against? Not the violent one.

Duale did, however, oppose anti-LGBT laws proposed by other politicians akin to those of Uganda, citing the worldwide backlash against them: “I want to warn you that this is a Western agenda and if [allowed to] go further some of you will miss a visa, that is how serious it is to this western[ized] government. I am not predicting what they are going to do, but as a God fearing nation, we must at all times ask our government to implement the law to ensure that we reduce this vice in our society.” Duale’s proposed solution to keeping gays in the closet? Government-driven outreach to citizens. “I am sure that if our religious leaders are watching me, that is where we should start,” Duale told other politicians. “We should preach against this and preach the holy books, the leaders have a role to do civic education.” In a nation plagued by jihad violence, the government is spending its time targeting innocent civilians who aren’t harming anyone. This is why you never allow religion and politics to mix, folks.

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