Your Daily Muslim #510: Juweria Khalid

Juweria Khalid

Juweria Khalid

Many Muslimahs (and infidels pretending to be Muslimahs) use ridiculous Islamic garments as a method to conceal stolen items. Others, like New York Muslimah Juweria Khalid, prefer to engage in more traditional methods of sketchy “shopping.” Khalid was shopping for herself and her two children at Macy’s when she saw some earrings she liked. She had just finished purchasing a bracelet from the store’s jewelry department and didn’t want to deal with the checkout process again. So what did she do with the earrings to make herself seem totally not suspicious? Stuffed them in her purse, of course.

Macy’s loss prevention staff stopped the suspected thief and took her to a detention area, which Khalid described as being like a jail. The two-months-pregnant Khalid allegedly told the loss prevention staff she was going to pay for the earrings on the 7th floor, where she had been heading to shop for her children. The employees had heard tons of claims like hers before, so they kept Khalid in the little holding area because, let’s be honest, it looked like she was shoplifting (which she possibly was.)

While in the detention chamber, Khalid was forced to remove her hijab because Macy’s personnel believed she may have been hiding more unpaid-for items in it. She was forced to pay a $500 fine to the store before being released. The criminal case against her was thrown out for insufficient evidence… in other words, the left-wing idiots of New York believed Khalid was actually going to pay for items she stuffed into her purse. Yep, just like teenagers are totally going to pay for the candy they stuff into their pockets at convenience stores.

However, there’s more to this story. Khalid was two months pregnant when she was detained for shoplifting. She lost the baby a few days thereafter. She believes the stress from being held in the chamber caused her to lose the child.

Now, Khalid is suing the retail giant over her nearly day-long ordeal. Her lawyer, who is taking up many plaintiffs in his case, spouted a bunch of left-wing nonsense to try to spin the case to be about alleged racism/Islamophobia instead of apparent shoplifting: “They’re preying on the most innocent people on our society. People of color, often people from out of the country, often people who don’t speak English or speak English well. There’s a big problem at Macy’s with who they stop, why they stop them and the cover up after the fact to justify the stop.” Well, good luck proving that racism motivated the trained loss prevention staff’s actions… oh wait, if the judge is a liberal, lack of evidence be damned.

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