Your Daily Muslim: Noorhayati Cherry

Noorhayati Cherry and a flower she photoshopped onto the image

Noorhayati Cherry and a flower she photoshopped onto the image

Ausfailian Muslimah Noorhayati Cherry has way too much time on her hands. Instead of contributing to rational discourse between followers of different beliefs, the ninja-costume-clad Cherry prefers vomiting the most idiotic of rhetoric at those with whom she disagrees. One day, she stumbled upon a Facebook counterjihad page called Allah Sucks and began arguing with myself and some of the page’s other admins. Well, maybe not “arguing;” perhaps “foaming at” is a more apt description. It began with an attempt to impersonate Sabreena Sadaf:


“Wee”? What is she, like four years old? I mean, I knew Islam had a psychologically stunting effect upon its adherents, but… wow. That’s like a new level of childish. Also, I doubt any animal is quite as clean as people would like; that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t cook it (thereby sterilizing it) and eat it. The lack of intellect in this Muslimah is about to grow even more apparent.

Cherry was asked her stance on LGBT rights. Despite having been shown evidence that homosexuality is natural and occurs in numerous animal species, she retorted with another childish opinion:


OK, maybe she mentally made it to 4th grade, but no further. She doesn’t understand that being gay is not a choice and that people are willing to accept social consequences from idiots in order to live as they please. This also shows Cherry’s immaturity in that she would criticize a person for an innate part of themselves, but not criticize violent viewpoints that can easily be changed, e.g. Islam. Cherry’s homophobic frothing didn’t let up:


As you can see, Cherry is a staunch supporter of human rights and fully demonstrates that Islam is the religion of peace.


Really, you say you respect gays as humans? What was that just a little bit ago about hanging them because “it’s not right to be gay?” If that’s your definition of respect, I don’t think I want to see what disrespect is.

Cherry then blamed all the evil in the world on Iblis (the devil) before making another absurd claim about gays. I bet if I asked her uncle if he was born gay, he’d say he was. Religious idiots like Cherry should stay out of matters they know nothing of.


Yep, further proof that Cherry’s mind hasn’t advanced beyond the fourth grade, either that or her five daily headbanging rituals have caused brain damage. Anyone with a basic understanding of physics and/or evolution can explain the flight of birds and how it developed… but not this Muslimah.


Though I wasn’t sure if she could, Cherry went further off the deep end, accusing Wikipedia of being part of a Jewish agenda. Normally crazy conspiracy theories about Jews are thrown about by old clerics from the middle east, but apparently their insane ramblings rubbed off on Cherry. And denying the murder of Lee Rigby? Really? The whole crime scene was thoroughly photographed and filmed! Muslims did it, just like Muslims did 9/11.

Back to Cherry’s lack of scientific knowledge… well, this last screenshot should come as no surprise to you now that you’ve seen all the other crazy crap she believes.


One final odd fact about this Muslimah is that she liked a page for a sex toy shop on Facebook – for someone as devout as her, that seems pretty haram…

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