Your Daily Muslim #540: Muhammad Abid

Muhammad Abid is not today’s daily Muslim’s real name. Very little about him is known. However, I think this information is too important not to disseminate.

The Muslim who goes by Muhammad Abid on Facebook is a notorious report jihadist. Report jihad, for those unfamiliar, is when Muslims mass-report counterjihad pages in an effort to get them wrongfully taken down. Abid admins the Report Anti-Islamic Pages page, which grew rapidly within days of its creation. Abid’s page has even attracted the likes of YDM featuree Bilal Mohammed.


The Islam Exposed page in that screenshot is one of the largest surviving counterjihad pages on Facebook. Its main page had over 100,000 likes when it was taken down around the same time as the YDM Facebook page. It is unknown whether or not Abid had anything to do with the report jihad that was waged against YDM (every picture on the page was reported, yes, even the entire 2013 daily calendar), but his goal is clear: to suppress any criticism of Islam or Muhammad, pigs be upon him.

Abid is also a homophobe, as evidenced by his reply to a counterjihadist who stumbled across his page:

Homophobic slurs from a Muslim? No way!

Homophobic slurs from a Muslim? No way!

Then, the counterjihadist gave the Muslim a dose of reality. Abid’s attempt at a response is pathetic, being unable to refute the point that “blasphemy” is, in fact, victimless. Being offended by an insult against an imaginary entity does not make someone a victim, it makes them thin-skinned.


Sorry if your imaginary friend got its feelings hurt. Grow the f up, Abid, you’re an adult and need to stop wailing whenever someone says something you don’t like. Actually, all Muslims should take that advice.

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