Your Daily Muslim #506: Muhammed Ejaz

Muhammed Ejaz

Muhammed Ejaz starring in Brokeback Muslim

Pakistani Muslim and arranged-married father-of-two Muhammed Ejaz, 28, was living a lie. A closeted homosexual whose faith conflicted with his feelings, Ejaz was driven to his breaking point. Instead of accepting that Islam is a pile of seventh-century fiction and coming out of the closet, Ejaz did what he believed his imaginary friend Allah would want him to do: brutally murdered men who were honest about their orientation.

Like most gay men, Ejaz made accounts on numerous gay “social”/”dating” apps and sites. Anyone with knowledge of gay men knows those sites have one purpose, and it isn’t dating. Before beginning his serial-killing career, Ejaz, who denies his homosexuality, had sex with many men he met on those sites. He probably justified it to himself by telling himself he was “practicing” for when he actually went in for the kill. After bending over for various men, Ejaz went home and bent over for his imaginary friend, Allah. Apparently Allah is jealous and only likes it when gay dudes bend over for him or something.

One fateful night, Ejaz’s internalized homophobia (inspired by his religion) boiled over. Despite his enjoyment of other men, he felt that homosexual activity needed to be stopped. Instead of living and letting live, Ejaz realized his religion wasn’t exactly kind to gays; Muhammad (pigs be upon him) said the following about gay sex: “kill the doer and the one to whom it is done.” That was all the justification Ejaz needed to play judge, jury, and executioner. Ejaz met a man through one of his many internet profiles… then sedated him and raped him. After ejaz-culating inside the victim, the crazed Muslim felt awful about having disobeyed his imaginary friend yet again. Instead of having a typical crisis of conscience and a subsequent confused emotional outburst, Ejaz flew into a frenzied rage and snapped the man’s neck.

Rinse and repeat this process twice more. The gay community in Lahore, Pakistan was on edge, knowing a serial killer was in their midst. Ejaz was not a particularly skilled serial killer, however, and left plenty of evidence behind for detectives to trace. He was arrested and is currently behind bars. Upon his arrest, he stated: “I started going on [gay hookup app] Manjam two months ago using my mobile phone, and found that the gays are everywhere in Lahore… My way was wrong. It is tragic that the families have lost their relatives but they were spreading evil in society and I had to stop it.” Clearly he doesn’t remember that he was just as involved in gay sex as his victims. Ah, the wonders of hypocrisy, most profoundly demonstrated by Islamic zealots. And yes, “the gays” are everywhere. Get used to it, Muslims.

Ejaz told police he wanted to “warn [his victims] to stay away from this evil [homosexuality].” That’s not difficult, and it doesn’t involve snapping anyone’s neck. It just entails being a dick behind a fake account online sending people hatemail. Seems like a common thing for a teenage boy to do as an attempt at internet trolling, not a holy mission. Ejaz also commented: “[Gays] are spreading evil and transmitting diseases. They cannot control themselves.” Clearly he couldn’t either, as he had sex with numerous partners.

As for his motives aside from Islam, Ejaz cited the sexual abuse he was a victim of at age 10. Ever since, he conflated homosexuals with pedophiles, and felt he was doing a service by eliminating child molesters. The irony is that his beloved prophet, pigs be upon him, molested a 9-year-old girl.

This pathetic hypocrite is yet another victim of oppressive Islamic theology. The religion forces its adherents into compliance, with the ever-lingering threat of Jahannam (hell) for those who stray from its stringent teachings. Non-Muslims aren’t the only victims of Islam; Muslims are among those who suffer most from it since they endure its psychologically-scarring effects.

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