Your Daily Muslim: Samra Kesinovic and Sabina Selimovic

From H&M to drapery... talk about a fashion fail.

From H&M to drapery… talk about a fashion fail.

Samra Kesinovic, 16, and her friend, Sabina Selimovic, 15, had their whole lives ahead of them. Daughters of Bosnian refugees who resettled in Austria, the teens spent plenty of time online (as most teenage girls do.) However, unlike most teenage girls, the pair spent their time interacting with mujahideen, who eventually talked them into traveling to Syria to wage jihad.

The girls arrived in Syria after having posted messages on social media about fighting a “holy war” (jihad.) Now, their Facebook profiles are replete with images of themselves holding guns and wearing the traditional Islamic ninja costume. As we can see, they’re still totally normal teenage girls. As you can clearly see, Islamic radicalization didn’t change them at all; Islam is totally like every other belief system and doesn’t encourage violence. The girls also posted about never returning to Austria, likely because they’re hoping to gain access to 72 male virgins and an everlasting Magic: the Gathering tournament.

As I’m sure you’ve already figured out, the mujahideen had other uses for virgin teenage girls aside from throwing them into the fray. It is believed both girls have married jihadis and have joined their husbands on the field of battle. Marrying underage girls is accepted in Islam because Muhammad, pigs be upon him, engaged in the practice. No deity worthy of worship would reward pedophiles who murder innocent people.

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