“The Qur’an encourages population growth. Therefore, by supporting this initiative, we would be going against our religion. Please let us not engage in things which can displease the creator.”Malawi Muslims Against Government Plan To Promote Use Of Contraceptives

Allah said, do not stop breeding for Kuffars will provide!

A government plan to promote the use of contraceptives to cut down the increasing number of Malawian population has angered the Muslim community and other faith groups, rejecting it as against the dictates of creation.

“As Muslims, we resist this campaign in totality, because it’s against the teachings of the Qur’an,” Dr. Imran Shareef, Secretary General of the country’s supreme Muslim body, Ulama Council of Malawi, told OnIslam.net.

“The Qur’an encourages population growth. Therefore, by supporting this initiative, we would be going against our religion, which is the last thing we can do. Please let us not engage in things which can displease the creator.”

His comments followed a government sanctioned initiative code named ‘Health Population Project’ (HPP) which is intended to involve faith leaders to tackle population growth in the southern African nation.

Through the HPP project, the government considers the inclusion of faith based organizations as an important step in purveying development and population related information.

Those faith leaders will be tasked with sensitizing the general populace on the use of contraceptives to slow down the rate of population which now stands at 15 million and expected to grow to about 40 million in the next 20 years.

The proposal was rejected by some scholars as contradicting with Islamic teachings.

“The Quran is against any move to depopulate the human being. If anything, it’s encouraging population growth, therefore, any efforts to minimize population growth isn’t in our favor,” Dr Shareef added.

Shareef, one of the country’s renowned scholars added: “However, Islam encourages the use of contraceptives on in extraordinary situations, where one partner in a family has an infection which could be easily transmitted to another partner through sexual intercourse.

“It is also permissible for a mother who is breastfeeding to use contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, before the baby attains the age of 2 years. Otherwise, to us no man has any authority to control population growth,” he added.

He said instead of applying measures which could control population growth, governments should explore ways to contain the rise in population.

“It is against the dictates of creation to develop ways to slow down population growth, but what’s important is that planners should work tirelessly to explore avenues which could match with the rapid population growth,” said Shareef.



Meanwhile they are worried sick over pious Muslimahs having way too many abortions


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