Your Daily Muslim: Tahmeed Ahmad

No image of Tahmeed Ahmad is available.

Kuwaiti-born Muslim Tahmeed Ahmad’s sanity was crumbling. Having just been cleared for release from a mental institution, people thought the 22-year-old Muslim was OK. He had just become a math teacher at Miami Central High School, and everyone was excited for him to really move forward with his life. However, that wasn’t what Ahmad had in mind. As a Muslim, he believed all sorts of pseudoscientific absurdity, ranging from invisible poop-eating spirits (Jinns) to the presence of a bloodthirsty psychopath in the sky. Ahmad went from banging his head on walls to banging his head on the floor five times a day. I… *puts sunglasses on* wouldn’t call that an improvement.


Ahmad approached Homestead Air Reserve Base wielding bottles of vodka and butcher knives. He intended to use the bottles as Molotov cocktails. He chanted the stereotypical Islamic “Death to America!” When base security personnel saw the mad Muslim’s approach, they ordered him to stop. He told them he wanted to kill soldiers and continued his frenzied chanting. One of the security officers drew his gun and fired a shot. He missed, but it was enough to disrupt Ahmad’s concentration long enough for other base personnel to arrest him.

After his arrest, authorities decided that Ahmad wasn’t trying to commit an act of terrorism; rather, they claimed he was just trying to commit suicide by cop. Let’s see: a Muslim chanting “Death to America” waving knives at military personnel while carrying Molotov cocktails… nope, totally not a terrorist.

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