Your Daily Muslim: Muhammad Ali al-Jazouli

Muhammad Ali al-Jazouli maniacally waving his arms like the crazy person he is

Muhammad Ali al-Jazouli maniacally waving his arms like the crazy person he is

“‘Fight them [infidels] until there is no more strife and Allah’s religion prevails.’ (Qur. 2:191-193) The purpose of jihad is to prevent strife. Jihad is not strife. Allah says that if not for jihad, there would be chaos.”

What was that you were just saying about Islam being peaceful and tolerant? Uhh, that’s right, nothing. Sudanese Islamic cleric Muhammad Ali al-Jizzouli is a true figure of peace, just like his pedophile prophet Muhammad, pigs be upon him. When not preaching the virtues of massacring infidels, he’s… preaching the virtues of massacring infidels. Recently, al-Jazouli gave a sermon that was quite appealing to his bloodthirsty Islamic congregation… but was appalling to the rest of the world.

“Allah says that jihad brings order,” al-Jazouli stated, not realizing that blowing up buildings causes mass hysteria. “The shedding of the blood of infidels is for the sake of purification and security. We must draw a distinction between the concepts of chaos and jihad. The killing of an infidel, the bombing of an embassy, the killing of US diplomats, or the killing of Rafidite Shiites do not constitute chaos. These are great, noble, and blessed steps towards order.” Basically, al-Jazouli just admitted a truth that the left fails to recognize: that the peace of the religion of peace can only come when everyone else’s head is no longer attached to their body.

“The Zionist movement strives to sow chaos,” al-Jazouli said, becoming the latest in a seemingly-endless line of Muslim clerics to spew anti-Semitism based on fiction, pseudoscience, and rhetoric. “The Jews number 12 million. In order for these 12 million to rule the world, they must cause the fragmentation of the world and decrease its population… I will only refer to the first protocol in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is called: ‘Chaos, Revolutions, and Wars.’ That is the title of the first protocol.” The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a work of anti-Semitic fiction. However, since it’s anti-Semitic (like the Qur’an), Muslims take it at face value. Either that, and/or Muslims are too dumb to realize it’s fiction. Come to think of it, it’s probably a combination of both of those factors that make Muslims believe fiction is real. Then again, they’re quite experienced at that, considering they believe in a 7th-century child-porn fairytale.

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