Your Daily Muslim: Hassan Farooq (Daily Triple 2 of 3)

Hassan Farooq trying to be Horatio Caine from CSI Miami, and failing

Hassan Farooq trying to be Horatio Caine from CSI Miami, and failing

UK Muslim Hassan Farooq, who is of Pakistani background, calls himself a “moderate Muslim.” However, as well all know, there is no such thing, and Farooq is no exception. He was recently invited to speak at a Holocaust memorial. It is unknown how his speech went, but what is known is that this Muslim is a major Hitler fanboy. I’d wager he’s almost at the point of jacking it to Mein Kampf. Here are some screenshots from his Twitter and Facebook where he openly expressed his anti-Semitic and/or pro-Hitler views:






Farooq is also the founder of a group called the “Halal Marriage Committee.” In Islam, the marriage of children is legal, such as the marriage of Aisha to Muhammad (pigs be upon him) when she was 6. It is unknown whether or not Farooq is involved in child marriages, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility. He is also a member of the Newham Dawah Team, an Islamic evangelism group based in east London. Here’s what he had to say about the west, the values we hold, peaceful Sufi Muslims, and some deceased people who are widely respected here:







Muslims aren’t allowed to pray for non-Muslims, nor are they allowed to partake in their celebrations or wish them a peaceful passing. That definitely fits into the mindset of religious tolerance every idiotic liberal believes Islam has. Farooq, if you don’t like our society so much, then the the f out. We in the west respect women, Jews, and the democratic process. Entrusting your nation’s legislation to Allah will result in non-productivity – your invisible psychopath friend named Allah is only in your mind.

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