Your Daily Muslim: Othman Mohammad Daud

Othman Mohammad Daud

Othman Mohammad Daud

As the world learned from the story of Malala Yousafzai, education frightens Muslims. This is not without good reason, as any mind equipped with the ability to reason can quickly determine that Islam is a pile of fiction invented by horny perverts from the 7th century. Brunei Muslim Othman Mohammad Daud shares this phobia. An employee at the nation’s Ministry of Education, Daud is actively trying to ensure that better ideas than his religion don’t enter into school curricula.

Recently, private education institutions in Brunei were warned that they would face steep fines or imprisonment if any religion other than Islam were taught to a Muslim or atheist. Brunei, while governed under sharia law, is not as extreme as other countries (yet.) They’re working on it, though – among their soon-to-be-enacted laws include bills that allow amputation as punishment for theft as well as the death penalty for more serious crimes, like cheating on your husband. Daud said the new law would “ensure the prosperity, well-being, peace and solidarity” of the people of Brunei. Because nothing says prosperity, well-being, peace, and solidarity like severed hands and censorship.

Daud also criticized globalization, saying the new sharia regulations would help against the “rapid development of a borderless world.” Apparently those living in Dar al-Islam (the house of Islam; the Islamic world) don’t take too kindly to cultural encroachment into their anachronistic, savage territories. Unfortunately for the Muslims, the rest of the world will continue to laugh at how backward they still remain.

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